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Wanna know whats what?


Princess of darkness = Once was a Pretéar but has turn bad and sides with the evil in her heart and becomes the Princess of darness

Lefenia = A magical place where the Leife Knights come from

Leife = The life of all living things, when leife is short people get depressed, if leife is gone, things start to die

Leife Knights = 7 beings become these Magical knights to protect Lefenia, they have their own powers and can Pret with the Pretéar

Pret = this is a ritual in which a Leife Knight and the one whos the Pretear does in order to become a Pretéar

Pretéar = A princess that fights for good with all of her heart, each Leife Knight is a different Pretéar appearence and attack

Typii = One of the variously colored creatures that inhabit Leafunia.


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▪▫▪Pretéar/ Himeno▪▫▪
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▪▫▪Site by Crystal Heart YTK▪▫▪